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Announcing the date of stopping production of the Rose Rise Dawn and Wraith cars

 Announcing the date of stopping production of the Rose Rise Dawn and Wraith cars


 It has been officially announced that the production of the new Rose-Rise Dawn and Wraith will be discontinued by the English manufacturer, and this news is not a big surprise since we know that my two models have been withdrawn; A new Wraith, and a new Dawn from the US formation in April of 2021.

It is likely that the production of new Rose-Rise Dawn and Wraith cars will end at the company’s factory during the beginning of the next year 2023, God willing, with the approaching arrival of the fully electric Rose-Rise Specter, which will officially appear during the current year as the 2023 model.This is the brand's first step towards becoming an all-electric car company before the end of the decade. Details about the Rolls-Royce Specter are still murky but rumors suggest it will share many parts with the BMW iX M60, as Rolls-Royce is previously owned by the company. Bavarian manufacturer BMW
