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Bentley Motors made this money in 2021

 Bentley Motors made this money in 2021

 Bentley Motors, the prestigious British luxury car manufacturer, announced its financial results for the year 2021, supplementing the company's record sales performance during the same past 12-month period. Within this framework, the operating profit increased to 389 million euros, equivalent to 432,322,539 US dollars To be 369 million euros higher than it was in 2020 

Sales revenue last year amounted to €2.845 billion, while increased levels of personalization and model diversification, led by the Mulliner, Speed and Bentley Hybrids, resulted in an 8 percent increase in revenue per luxury car compared to the previous year. year 2020, and this has contributed to generating a return on sales of 13.7 percent

Bentley Motors has announced that it will deliver 14,659 exceptional cars in 2021  


