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The AMD Ryzen chip on board the Tesla is exceptional,

 The AMD Ryzen chip on board the Tesla is exceptional,

 Since the announcement of the new Tesla Model S and Model X in 2021, the American manufacturer has opted for a new processor which aims to manage the infotainment system. Farewell Intel, which is replaced by AMD and its Ryzen processor, offering many more possibilities. With computing power comparable to that of the latest next-gen consoles, and announcements from Elon Musk stating that AAA games could be ported to the on-board system in the brand's vehicles, where are we today? 'today?We are going to come back in this file to what was promised by Tesla, what we find on the whole range in terms of infotainment, by also asking ourselves the question of what this power can be used for in the future.

No more Intel Atom, hello AMD Ryzen 

 What is commonly called the MCU at Tesla, for Media Control Unit, corresponds to the infotainment system displayed on the central screen of the brand's vehicles. In 2022, we are on the third generation of MCUs, based on AMD's Ryzen platform. With a promised computing power of 10 TeraFLOPS, the promise of much better fluidity compared to older systems is obviously fulfilled, as we reported in our recent test of the Tesla Model 3 Propulsion.  Since 2018, an Intel Atom processor has been at the heart of the system on all Tesla models, while the first generations of Model S and Model X that left the factory between 2012 and 2018 embarked an Nvidia Tegra 3 processor, which accused the kick and was quite slow today. At the beginning of 2021, Elon Musk argued that the Tesla Model S and Model X equipped with this AMD Ryzen could run Cyberpunk 2077 or The Witcher 3, AAA games requiring a lot of resources. Still, a year later, there is still no sign of these games on board Tesla vehicles. Let's see what this AMD Ryzen allows, and what it brings compared to the previous Intel Atom.

 In terms of on-board applications, there is no exclusivity either: everything that is available today on the latest Tesla equipped with AMD Ryzen are also available on those with the Intel Atom. What the manufacturer has called "Theatre" and which includes shortcuts to YouTube and Netflix in particular, is however much more usable with the latest vehicles.
