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 Audi Skysphere concept

 The German company Audi is setting new standards for advanced luxury in the future with the Audi Sky Sapphire concept, which is designed to change what we know about mobility and provide an exceptional passenger experience. Carsten Bender, CEO of Audi Middle East, said: “We are pleased to unveil the skysphere in Dubai, as this car represents the pinnacle of human and technical capabilities. The skysphere concept is designed to give passengers the highest levels of freedom by choosing between two new experiences: riding in comfortable Grand Touring cars or driving a high-performance sports car


The driver has the freedom to choose the desired driving experience at the touch of a button. He can drive the 4.94-meter electric Roadster when switching to Sports driving mode with a short wheelbase, and enjoy the highest levels of agility provided by the steering system on the rear axle despite the large dimensions of the car. Or operate the autonomous driving system of a 5.19-metre Grand Touring in the Grand Touring drive mode, while enjoying the surrounding landscape, generous legroom and technologies offered by the advanced comprehensive digital system. Dedicated infotainment services are also available, such as linking the in-car streaming service with home music and video service providers
