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Top ideas to really make money online 2022

  Top ideas to really make money online 2022

 1. Additional income on the Internet: online training:

 An increasingly popular online business idea to earn money on the Internet by working is to share your knowledge. If you are an expert in a field, you can monetize your knowledge by creating an online course. Sell ​​your course on Udemy or, if you already have an audience, on your own website. This is what is increasingly called infopreneur. Making money while sharing your knowledge can quickly turn into a vocation! To create a successful course, we encourage you to watch other courses on the same topic. What aspects do people like or dislike? How can you create something better than what already exists? A question to ask yourself in any case. Focus on creating content that solves people's biggest problems, while taking into account what works. The platform you sell your course on will determine how much money you will earn. If you sell your training on Udemy, you will be able to generate a small additional income without too much effort. Possibly, do some promotion on your blog or on your own website (if necessary, find out how to create a website). On the other hand, if you post your training only on your site, you might do well to create some advertisements to highlight it. Unless you set up a mailing list, in order to continue promoting future courses to this targeted audience.

2. Publish an ebook to receive money online :

It is quite possible to make money on the net with an Amazon ebook. You will need to write the ebook in question, format it, publish it on Amazon KDP and promote it. In 2013, I created several ebooks on Amazon (and ended up only keeping one) and even though it didn't make me rich, I'm still making money from it. You can possibly hire an editor to write the book, a graphic designer to design the cover, or a freelancer to lay it out to minimize your effort on this project. Focus on popular search keywords on Amazon. I often use Keyword Tool to refine my titles based on what people are looking for. How to make money on the Internet with ebooks? There are many marketing strategies: you can for example offer your ebook for a few days and thus obtain opinions which will increase your referencing. I also like to create designs in the style of Pinterest rather than just placing the pine cover. It helped me get a few more clicks on my ebook from Pinterest.

3. Make money on the Internet with a blog :

 How to make money on the Internet with a blog? It is one of the oldest strategies for making a living online. People who enjoy writing tend to start a blog that focuses on a niche. For example, a blog about procrastination, cars, dropshipping, toys etc. these are subjects specialized enough to build a loyal but large enough community, even at start-up. You can create your blog on many platforms, such as Shopify (remove the shopping cart option so you don't have to pay a subscription) or WordPress. When you start your blog, focus on very specific keywords and expand on other categories related to your starting topic. This will allow you to set up an influential blog over the long term. There are several ways to make money on the net with a blog and if you optimize them all, this activity can become a work from home. You can place affiliate links in your posts (don't forget to mention it). You can monetize it through adsense by strategically placing advertisements on your site. Sponsored posts can help you make money online through brand partnerships. This is a very popular practice among bloggers. Bloggers can also sell their digital or physical products on their site. You can finally use it to build your authority. This will allow you later to negotiate large contracts or to be paid as a speaker or speaker. 

4. Become a freelancer and earn money from your skills:

 The most effective way to make money on the net is probably to convert your current job into a freelance and online activity. If, for example, you are an editor, administrative assistant, graphic designer, teacher, web developer, etc., you can find clients online, become independent and earn money on the Internet by working. There are dozens of websites grouping freelance missions by sector. Freelance writers can thus search for offers on specialized job sites but also more generalist sites such as Malt or Upwork. If you don't consider your current job to be a source of online income, think about other skills you might have. To make money online, you need to start by building a solid portfolio. Once this is done, you will be able to approach big customers and thus earn more money. Remember, freelancing is a very competitive field. The more personalized your emails and applications, the more responses you will get. 

5. Make money on the Internet in 2022 by being a digital nomad :

 You can become a digital nomad whether you are self-employed or employed. Indeed, more and more companies are looking for talent anywhere in the world, provided they remain available remotely and have a good internet connection. A trend that is likely to grow even more with the Covid-19 crisis and the explosion of telework. More and more companies are adopting a “work from anywhere” policy. You can practice many jobs as a digital nomad: marketing consultant, customer service manager, data analyst, management controller and many others. You can also manage your dropshipping business on the other side of the world. Provided you are in good standing with the country's taxation. 
