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 Earn money online via YouTube

 Earn money online via YouTube :

YouTube is considered half of the Internet without exaggeration, as it is one of the most famous sites, the most visitors, and it occupies the second place in the magnitude and comprehensiveness as a search engine. The first and essential step for subscribing to the YouTube Profit Program is to create an interesting and useful video, and display it on your YouTube channel. Profiting from YouTube is somewhat similar to the method of profit through blogs, with different content, the content in the blog is writing, and the content on YouTube is a video clip. As for the rest of the procedures, they are similar to the method of profit from the blog with regard to the necessity of subscribing to Google Adsense, and making profits through ads and the number of clicks, in addition to the requirement to have a certain number of followers, in addition to a certain number of viewing hours each month. Of course, video quality requires the availability of a number of tools such as simple and professional video creators, with a specific theme for the video content. To profit significantly from YouTube, you must learn YouTube SEO, which is to make your videos top the search results in YouTube, and for your video to be in the first result in front of your competitors, and this is what we offer in the YouTube SEO course, which teaches you step by step how to do this, With clarity, ease and transparency, with proofs that you will see and search for yourself:
