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  • How can I make $100 a day online?


     Earning money was usually associated with the traditional way of going to the workplace outside the home. But with the internet taking over a large part of our lives, many people are looking for ways to make money online to grow their material living conditions. While there are many ways to make money online, some of them can be fake. Also, do not expect to earn a large amount quickly when using online methods of earning money but you must persevere to grow this income. With free time in general, and perhaps fewer working hours for some, some may have free time. Here are the platforms, money-making sites, and tools that can help you make money online


    Freelancing has always been a popular way to make money online because there are so many options. There are many websites that offer freelance assignments for people with different skills. All you have to do is create an account, browse through the listings, and apply for the assignment that suits you best. Some websites may ask you to create a personal list with details of your skill set, so that interested clients can contact you directly.,,, and are some of the websites that offer freelance jobs. You can earn between $5 and $100 through these sites. But remember, you will be paid only after you have successfully completed the specified task and approved it by the client. This may mean reviewing the work multiple times unless the requirements of your clients are met. Some sites may require you to set up a PayPal account, as most customers prefer to make payments digitally

    Create a website or blog and make money from it 

     There are enough resources available on the internet to help you create a website with ease. This includes choosing the domain, templates, layout, and overall design of your website. Once you are ready to serve your visitors with rich and useful content, sign up for Google Adsense, when ads appear on your site and clicked by visitors, you will start earning money. The more traffic you get on your website, the more likely you will be to generate higher profits.

