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The European Union obliges car makers to put a black box and anti-speed technology in new cars 2022

 The European Union obliges car makers to put a black box and anti-speed technology in new cars 2022


After agreeing to ban the sale of cars powered by internal combustion engines in Europe in 2035 - petrol and diesel engines - EU lawmakers have now passed a new law making anti-overspeeding and so-called black box technologies mandatory in all new 2022 cars. The two controversial requirements are from the licensing requirements for every car manufactured after July 6, 2022, and will be mandatory in all new cars starting from July 2024, regardless of the car model or date of manufacture. The anti-speed technologies bear the name “smart speed assistance system” according to government terminology, while European lawmakers explained that the system calculates the maximum speed by analyzing information from the navigation system or from techniques to recognize traffic signs, and if the system detects that the driver has exceeded the legal speed, he can act In one of these four ways: Either it sends audio and visual warnings to the driver, such as a warning message that appears on the instrument panel, or it emits a series of vibrations on the steering wheel, or through vibrations on the accelerator pedal to make the driver feel the need to slow down, or the system will automatically reduce the speed to the maximum permissible speed, Automakers can choose the system they want from these four systems to put in their cars. European lawmakers stress that the driver will be able to control the car bypassing the control of these systems, and even the system that reduces speed, by simply pressing the accelerator pedal. But the decision did not clarify what are the acceptable and unacceptable limits for speeding. Is it intended to travel at a speed of 80 km/h, for example, on a road with a maximum speed of 70 km/h or more? The decision also did not specify how to ensure that the system is provided with accurate and updated information on the maximum permitted speed on the various roads. On the other hand, the black box is now mandatory in all new cars 2022 according to the new European Union law, and it is almost the same black box used in aircraft, as this device works to record and save information about the vehicle’s speed, engine speed, and the method of using the brakes and pedals, It also measures the force of an accident if it occurs and records whether passengers put on seat belts 30 seconds before and 10 seconds after the accident.
