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The newest steering wheel from Lexus is inspired by the world of aircraft and superior to Tesla

 The newest steering wheel from Lexus is inspired by the world of aircraft and superior to Tesla

 Today we will introduce you to the newest steering wheel from the Japanese company Lexus, owned by Toyota, which bears a design inspired by aircraft steering, and its design is based on the steering wheel that was previously revealed by the American company Tesla. As a reminder, Tesla is developing a controversial variable steering ratio for cars equipped with a steering wheel, but as it turned out, Lexus has beaten it. The all-electric Lexus RZ crossover which is the sister of both; Toyota bZ4X, and Subaru Solitaire, which officially appeared last April, with the newest Lexus steering wheel that includes a wire steering system and a variable steering ratio, in this way the steering inputs are sent electronically and controlled by the program

The new handlebar features a 150-degree lock-to-lock steering angle, which is significantly less than the Tesla's close to 800-degree angle. More importantly, this means that Lexus RZ drivers will be able to keep their hands on the steering wheel regardless of their steering maneuverability. This eliminates the need to spin the wheel infinitely, as in Tesla cars. Importantly, this means that RZ drivers will be able to keep their hands on the steering wheel regardless of the steering maneuver, eliminating the need to spin the wheel indefinitely as on the Tesla. Speaking with Auto News, Takasahi Watanabe, chief engineer at Lexus Electric (Lexus Electrified), said a wire-guided steering system like the RZ is an essential electrification technology. Blending steering, braking and acceleration together in the same harmony Lexus says a yoke steering wheel will be offered in the US market, unlike Toyota, which has not yet confirmed which markets its bZ4X steering wheel will be offered, Lexus expects that nearly a quarter of RZ customers will choose this newer steering wheel. bears the name yoke
