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Speed is a red line.. Technology that prevents drivers from exceeding the maximum speed

 Speed is a red line.. Technology that prevents drivers from exceeding the maximum speed

 The American city of New York has experimented with a speed limiter technology in 50 cars of its fleet, and it relies on smart assistance devices that are installed in the car to know that the maximum speed limit, for example, is 20 miles per hour, and therefore will not allow the driver to exceed these speeds, and this program works in New York by “Telematics” “Communication technologies where speed limit data is sent and received via satellites and the global positioning system of the car, and the speed limiter software in New York cars gives the driver a warning or simply stops the throttle when the speed limit is reached, but the driver can override the speed limit in cases emergency by pressing a special button that allows him to exceed the set speed for 15 seconds only in case he wants to speed up to meet the flow of traffic. Deputy Mayor of New York City, “Mira Joshi” says that New York is the first American city to experiment with the speed limiter technology, and behind the wheel of the car: “I press the pedal, but in reality the numbers go down,” and adopts the view that we must be ahead in this area and we must That no one dies in a speeding car crash with speed limit technology Federal data shows tens of thousands die in accidents each year and it's not just the numbers These are people we've lost The National Transportation Safety Board has called on the federal government in its latest safety recommendations to motivate auto manufacturers To install smart speed control systems in new cars. 


The naysayers and proponents of speed limit technology:

 Those who reject the identification technology see that slow driving in a fast lane may cause more accidents than driving at high speeds, and some see it as unreasonable restrictions that annoy the driver, while proponents hope that the experimental system will be applied to cars to stop the bleeding in the streets, where we hear all the time about the death of people in accidents. Running due to high speed. Europe and Speed ​​Limit Technologies The European Union has issued a law regarding the mandatory presence of speed-limiting technologies in new cars, and we discussed this in detail in a previous news titled The European Union obliges car makers to put a black box and anti-speed technologies in new cars 2022, and the system calculates the maximum speeds after processing the navigation system information or plate recognition technologies. If the system notices that the driver has exceeded the legal speed, the violation will be dealt with in several ways, the most prominent of which is the system’s automatic intervention and work to reduce its speed to the maximum permissible speed, or companies may use other options such as issuing an audio or visual warning message on the dashboard or through vibrations in the steering wheel or Throttle the fuel to make the driver feel the need to reduce, with an option that allows the driver to bypass the control of the system in emergency situations, and everything the car does or is exposed to is recorded in the car's computer or what is known as the “black box”, which is similar to the one used in aircraft.
