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Tesla sends a large number of engineers in China to America for this reason

 Tesla sends a large number of engineers in China to America for this reason

 Today, we got new press information revealing that Tesla Corporation will take a large number of engineers working for Tesla in China to send a large number of engineers working for Tesla to America. Tesla will bring about 200 engineers and production employees from its recently upgraded factory in Shanghai, China, to its factory in Fremont, California, which recently celebrated the production of the 2 millionth version of Tesla electric cars. Thanks to improvements to the Shanghai plant, Tesla China has been able to cut delivery times for new cars to customers by between one and four weeks, instead of as much as 22 weeks earlier in 2022. If you order a Model Y in the United States, you may have to wait until next spring to pick it up. Employees from China will start arriving in California this month and will stay for up to three months, according to Automotive News, which cited unnamed sources with this information. Inside Tesla. As a matter of knowledge, the Texas-based automaker delivered 343,830 new cars around the world in the third quarter of 2022, an increase of 35 percent over the second quarter when it sold 254,695 new 2022 Tesla cars. Most of the reason for the low production rate in China was attributed not only to the factory upgrade, but also to Tesla China's resolution of supply chain issues and the lifting of epidemic restrictions in the second half of the year. Unless Tesla is able to speed up deliveries in the US, it could lose its self-imposed goal of selling 50 percent more cars in 2022 than it did in 2021, meaning it will have to sell 1.4 million new cars. Until the end of this year, God willing However, it currently seems unlikely that Tesla will reach its target given that the Nikkei Asia Index announced at the beginning of October that at that point Tesla had sold just over 908,000 new vehicles. Will Chinese employees be able to help enough so that Tesla can deliver nearly half a million new cars through December 31, 2022? Well given that Elon Musk said transportation and logistics were the main obstacles there aren't enough vehicles to move her new cars, according to Musk; This doesn't sound like a problem that Tesla could solve on its own. According to a Reuters report, Tesla is also said to be planning to keep its Shanghai plant close to maximum capacity (93 per cent) until the end of the year, likely to try to make up for problems elsewhere. car per week to about 22,000 cars produced thanks to the above upgrade

