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"The Unfolding Diplomatic Dispute Between Canada and India: A Timeline of Events"

 "The Unfolding Diplomatic Dispute Between Canada and India: A Timeline of Events"

 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called upon India to conduct a thorough investigation into his claims of credible information linking New Delhi to the assassination of a Sikh separatist activist on Canadian soil. This assertion has led to a deepening diplomatic dispute between the two nations, putting their relations at risk of deterioration. Trudeau emphasized that Canada's intention is not to provoke or escalate the situation but rather to present the available facts and ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

Canada's accusation that the Indian government may have been involved in the June killing of prominent Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar has incensed New Delhi, which vehemently denies any involvement, dismissing the claim as absurd and motivated. This escalating tension between Canada and India has raised concerns about a potential unprecedented rift between two significant U.S. partners, which could also pose challenges for other major Western nations.

Trudeau's announcement in Parliament regarding the ongoing investigation and the potential link between agents of the Indian government and Nijjar's killing has triggered a series of retaliatory actions. Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, Melanie Joly, revealed that an Indian diplomat, described as the head of the Indian intelligence agency in Canada, had been expelled in response to these allegations. In retaliation, India swiftly rejected Trudeau's claims, accusing Canada of sheltering terrorists and expressing longstanding concerns about its inaction against extremists. India also expelled a senior Canadian diplomat in response.

The assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June deeply shocked Canada's Sikh community, one of the largest Sikh populations outside of India, with over 770,000 members. Following Trudeau's statements, two Sikh community groups in Canada—the British Columbia Gurdwaras Council and Ontario Gurdwaras Committee—called for the immediate suspension of all intelligence, investigative, and prosecutorial cooperation with India. These groups emphasized the need for Canada's response to reflect the seriousness of India's alleged involvement in the premeditated murder of a Sikh dissident residing in Canada.
