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"Trump Opts Out of Second Republican Debate in Detroit in Favor of Prime-Time Speech"

 "Trump Opts Out of Second Republican Debate in Detroit in Favor of Prime-Time Speech"

 Former President Donald Trump has decided to forego the second Republican presidential primary debate in California next week. Instead, he plans to travel to Detroit to deliver a speech to an audience that includes both current and former union members, according to a reliable source.

This prime-time address serves as an alternative to the September 27 debate scheduled at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. Notably, this decision coincides with the ongoing United Auto Workers' strike, which has entered its fourth day.

In an interview with NBC News last week, the former president expressed his support for the auto workers and criticized their leadership, suggesting that they should endorse him.

However, President Joe Biden's campaign did not view Trump's move favorably. They criticized it as a "self-serving photo op" and accused Trump of neglecting Michigan workers during his presidency. They highlighted his tax cuts for the wealthy while American auto companies faced closures and outsourced jobs. Additionally, they pointed out Trump's loss to Biden in Michigan during the 2020 election.

Details of Trump's trip to Detroit were initially reported by The New York Times.

It's worth noting that Trump, who continues to hold a significant lead in national and early-state primary polls, also skipped the first GOP primary debate in Milwaukee the previous month. The third debate is scheduled to occur in Miami in November. While Trump expressed willingness to participate in potential general election debates against Biden, he has indicated reluctance to engage in debates with his GOP rivals.

[Note: This reformulation retains the key information and context while providing a concise summary of the original text.]
